
Adult Rides

Senior Bumper Cars

Senior Bumper Cars Amusement Ride

Seats: 40 seats
Height: 12 mtrs
Structure: CR confirming to DIN 4112 or EN 13814
Power: 20 Kw
Input: 430,380,230 volts.3 phase A/C 50/60 HZ
Control: VVVF frequency drive/DC Drive
Foundation: Require Civil Foundation
Excluded: Operators Cabin and Fences
Complete with spares, tools, and operations and Maintenance manual

Bombay Disc

Frisbee Amusement Ride

Dia: 22 meter
Height: 12 meter (stand still)
Seats: 24 adults
Structure: Confirming to DIN 4112/EN13814
Drive: 40kW, 3 phase. Controlled with frequency drive.
Lighting: 20 kW
Loading Platform: With hydraulic system lift

Bombay Drop

Bombay Drop Tower

Height: 45 meters
Seats: 12
Power: 48kW
Input: 230/380/430 volts, 3phase 50/60Hz
Foundation: Required
Structure: DIN 4112
Brakes: Fail safe Pneumatic/Magnetic
Control: PLC

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster Amusement Ride

Width: 40 meters
Depth: 17 meters
Vehicle: 6
Height: 17 meters
Estimated Capacity: 900 pax/hour
Power Required: 25KW
Weight: 40 Tons
Track Lenght: 360 meters

Bombay Sky Swinger

Sky Swinger Amusement Ride

Seats: 20 Adults
Height: 32 Meter
Operating Height: 29 meter
Structure: 15 Tons
Area: 15 meters
Age group: 12 Years Onwards
Estimated capacity per hour: 400 pax/hr
Lighting Power: 5kW
Power Drive: 35kW
Voltage: 430; 50 Hz

Bombay Sky Diving

Bombay Sky Diving:(Indoor & Outdoor both available)

Capacity:: 1 person at a time
Duration of flight:: 1 minute per person, two flights (recommended)
Height:: 22 meters from the basement floor
Flying Height:: 6 meters (maximum)
Diameter:: 15 meters
Weight: 40 Tons
Area:: 10×15 meter and a 3meter x 5 meter instruction room.

Disco Ride

Disco Ride Amusement Ride

No. of Seat: 24
Height: 10.5 meters
Width: 9 meters
Estimated Capacity: 600 adults p/h
Speed: 14RPM
Motive Power: 39 kW (Variable frequency drive)
Lighting Power: 15 kW
Operation: clockwise/anticlockwise
Weight: 29 Tons (Trailer Mode)
Optional (excluded): Operator’s cabin and fences
Note: Available in selected countries only
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